Warning: This blog contains... Nothing but awesomeness from the past, in the present and from the future!! It takes a lot of courage to read through the contents of these pages. - - - If you hate bad humor and wierd post, then screw you, and cover your eyes while reading
Friday, March 12, 2010
China - Part One: The Route to Asia
After ordering the ticket, the plan was set, and all we could do for now was to... wait!! So we waited in anticipation for the day to come, and suddenly it came..
We gathered in the Danish Vikinge Airport and got some breakfest and bought some chocolate to smuggle to China (brothers order!). We found our gate so we could be faast at boarding the plane.. Now kids, good adivece, when you are packed up in an airport, there is of course the basic has-to-know-rule about NEVER LEAVE YOUR LOGGAGE!!! And I didn't, the rule i never heard about was DON'T GO TO THE TOILET EVEN THOUGH YOU GOT ABOUT 20 MINUTES BEFORE BOARDING STARTS!!!-RULE so i took my loggage and went out to fight a bear.. what i didn't know was that as soon i got out there, the boarding started (Earlier), because the pilot wanted to take off earlier.. So when I came out (after having a fight with not putting my loggage one the floor while sitting down, with tons off cloothing for the flight) 10 minutes later, no one was at the gate, except Andreas and Nina, AND THEY WHERE STRESSED! So we managed to get in the airplane last, and got that nice `pfff idiots!!´-look from all the other passenger.
The planeflight where good for its price, we got food a couple of times and space to stretch our legs. But when we crossed chineese airspace the chineese stewardesses got suspecious.. They thought that we europeans tried to conquer China by bringing them swimming-pig-bird-flu, so they picked everyone out, and handed them out some `how are you feeling today?´ flyers.. Apperently they had heard about our campaign!! But they couldn't trick us! We all answered the flyers correctly, and the airplane were allowed to mount the airport in Shanghai..
The climatic changes where a total chock, it was SO moist in the atmosphere, that a collosal wave of heat blasted our faces as soon as we took our first step out of the airconditioned airplane..
We left the Airport hallway after getting checked up by security (still something about some totally unknown flu) and entered the Shanghai-very-very-fast-train express.. Yes thats right... The Maglev train express!!
It was truely awsome!! 430 Km/h, in levitational state above some magnetic railroad tracks.. WHAMMY THAT'S FAST!!:)
We arived in Shanghai city, where we met my borther and my selfdeclared little sister Xiao - My brothers wife (yes it's a little wierd..) They took us out for some milk tea, awsome stuff that is, and then to kentucky fried chicken for some icecream:)
Too Be more continued..
Thursday, March 11, 2010
China - Where to begin??... ohh yeah Part Zir'o: The Gathering
I made sure that my empty calender was even more empty during the summer, and then contacted Andreas.
It showed out when I asked Andreas - "wanna go with me to Asia and help my brother in China, to rock the very foundations of Chinese culture??" - that he somehow too had got this brilliant idea (Funny coincidence right??), therefore the immediate spontaneous answer were: "YEAH, nihihihice idea.. LETS DO IT!!"
So it became that the gang of Danish Rocker Vikings' were created.. Two young adventurers, who both were eager to plan an campaign about conquering China.
However it didn't take long before this genius plot was exposed around in town, people were talking about it in the dark sleazy allyes, and that was the reason that an oldschool newschool classmate Nina heard about this and immediatly decided to call me with the introducing words "WHAT THE FUCK!!?" "You shouldn't go to China it is to dangerous, they eat dogs, and maybe even people too!!"
I was of course shocked, but still reassured, so I answered
"Of course we MUST go.. We're Danish.. We're strong and aggressive, we can take care of our self, they would'nt dare to eat us. Especially not if you came along!"
she played the casual card.. "NOO I don't wanna go.. China is not dangerous enough for me.. Besides, the campaign you are planing will cross over the trip to Sweden, and you know that neither you nor me have missed ONE SINGLE TRIP yet (High five!!).. So if we break the tradition, the younger council will be very disappointed!"
Of course me and my brilliant brain had already thought about this problem, and thanks to my powerfull contacts in the elder counsil of Team Sweden, i were able to redirrect the date's of the trip, in a quite unoffical way... So the problem was allready being taken care of. I replied "Relax Baby.. It's already taken care of! You won't break any tradition by coming to China, they moved the trip, cause we are too awsome to be missed out on!" the immediate response was "Ohh Kasper MY HERO!!"
And so it was decided, the Danish Rocker Wikings gang got an extra party member..
We simply HAD to go, and so we did, and then we lived happily ever after! - Theeeeee END!! ?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Beginners Guide on How to create and restore a preconfigured and costumized Windows clone
It is also quite known that it's a loooong process to first backup your important data and format everything and then Install windows from the windows CD (witch takes more time than trying to start a war between Iceland and The Faeroe islands..
However there is a way of only having to do that ONE time (and one time only).. This is a guide on how to create an image of you current system to keep if you later on will have to restart (witch you eventually have if you use the computer for more than just seeing pictures and writing documents)
It's "EASY" (and safe if you do it correctly!) And is hell of a better alternative than reinstalling windows every time you suspects to have a hidden virus or get's tired of a sloppy system!!
Part one - The beginning, gathering resources
To create a clean windows clone for restoring a ready and optimized windows you will need:
- Two ntfs partitions where the first partition (usually c:\) is used for windows and the used programs. This setup is recomendable, and is essential for using this method, hence you wont need to backup the data you save on your secondary partition.
- A clean windows install with pre installed drivers also recommended that you install the latest updates + those few programs you know, you will need from the start like your preferred web-browser, refrain yourself for installing any games since it messes up windows key-register.
* The first partition (c:\) should be the smallest (10-15 GB's should be enough! But if you wanna be sure not to )
* The next partition should be used for all your documents, music videos and games (usually d:\) this partition should be the biggest since you're gonna use up a lot of space.
- A CD-burner and an empty CD
- A system recovery CD with the necessary tools for the task (in this guide the tools are ntfs-3g and ntfsclone and xz), I use the Linux based SystemRescueCd, download and burn ISO image from - It's free!!! (Hooray for Open Source!:D)
Part onepointone - Booting
Simply download a popular linux distribution, like Ubuntu, and burn the .iso image to an empty dvd, the tools needed for this procedure is quite custom for many distributions.
If using Ubuntu, then chose "Try Ubuntu" when prompted at startup.
Part onepointtwo - The Cloning!!!
When interface starts up open a terminal, hitting the start-key (or the dash button located in one of the corners, write in "terminal" and open.
In ubuntu a shortcut is to press ctrl+alt+t.
The following codes are marked by a "# ", bear in mind that this should not be included when typing the commands!
Start out by acquirering super user access, type:
# sudo su
Next mount your windows partition, since windows by default installs on the first blocks of the hard disk, that partition is usually "sda1" for XP and "sda2" for win7 and later.
First we need to make a folder for mounting windows
# mkdir /mnt/windows
Next mount the windows partition using ntfs-3g:
# ntfs-3g /dev/sdaX /mnt/windows
*Make sure to swift out "sdaX" with either "sda1", "sda2" or maybe even "sda3" ... depending on which partition windows are installed.
To check if it's the right partition that you just mounted press:
# ls /mnt/windows
That should show up the files and folders on the c-drive, containing a windows folder and program files folders etc..
The swapfile and hibernation file is not useful when cloning the image, and is just using up a lot of space so simply delete that file by typing:
# cd /mnt/windows/
# rm pagefile.sys hiberfil.sys
Not to worry.. after windows starts up the next time, it will automaticly create new files!
The swapfile is used for storage of temporary data while working in windows, it's therefore not an important file for restoring windows, it's just a waste of mighty fine Gigabytes and kilobits.
Now unmount the windows partition:
# umount /mnt/windows
Mount the destination partition witch you want the image file, if you use an USB drive, skib the two lines below, if you use the secondary ntfs partition do this:
# mkdir /mnt/d-drive
# ntfs-3g /dev/sdaY /mnt/d-drive
*Y stands for secondary drive so makje sure to swift this out with "sda2" or "sda3" or in some cases even "sda4"
Change directory to the target folder on the USB drive
# cd /media/ubuntu/XXXX
*XXXX this is usually a long combination of numbers and letters, just press Tab for autocompletion, then press Enter. (If you have more usb drives, then first run # ls /media/ubuntu/XXXX to identify which drive is your target drive)
If unstead storing the image on the secondary partition write
# cd /mnt/d-drive/
..and then let the cloning begin!!:
# ntfsclone -so - /dev/sda1 | xz -c ./NAMEOFTHEFILE.img.xz
!NAMEOFTHEFILE! should be changed out to a name you would recognize for example the date "060606_xp.img.xz"
This command creates an the image of the windows partition, and send it as and output signal witch will will be converted into an image and compressed into a very small file.
Et Voila, you have now (successfully i hope!) created a precise image of the current windows installation and settings..
Part two - Releasing the BEAST!!
You have been working with windows for a loooong time now and it really starts to get sloppy.. DAMN it's slow!!
And what the fuck is happening to all those annoying startup programs?? You had even maybe got your system infected by a few viruses and some Trojan horses as well..
What do you doooo??? NUKE THE SHIT OUT OF THIS ... err... SHIT??
NOT to worry.. I got a solution!!! :P
Alright enough with the annoying writing sorry got carried away for a sec there!
The next step is of course, restoring the system you cloned!
That is actually quite simple!!
First boot from the SystemRescueCd that by now properly have collected a lot of dust under some papers..
Repeat the boot section as described in part onepointone,then mount the drive with the compressed clone image (in this example sda2):
# mkdir /mnt/d-drive
# ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /mnt/d-drive
Change directory to the mounted drive by typing:
# CD /mnt/d-drive
And then (happily of course:) press:
# xz -dc 20100304_xp.img.xz | ntfsclone -rO /dev/sda1 -
!Make sure to remember adding the ending -!
When finished type:
# reboot
(I wonder what that does!)
And be fast to remove the CD, AFTER the computer is closing down and starting back up again!
Now you got your cloned windows back, and are ready to start catching up on those nasty viruses and Trojan horses + annoying terrorizing startup programs (wad'up ITUNES!??) infecting your PC again!
Reasons to use this instead of formatting, then reinstall windows:
* The system is more updated, that saves you a lot of hours of installing updates and rebooting, then install more updates, then reboot again.. and so on and so forth..
* You got pre installed drivers, this saves you a lot of time finding the drivers for all your hardware, in worst cases a reinstalled windows might not have drivers for your internet card, that means you will have to borrow another computer in order to get this driver!
* As long as you saves all the data you want to save on the non-system drive (usually d:\), you won't loose any data
* When you first HAVE created the cloning image, it's a lot faster and very easy to restore the system, you don't even need a windows CD!!
* All configurations and installed programs before the cloning will be kept and reloaded at restoration!
Hope it's useful and easy enough.. To all the linux haters out there.. EAT LESS CARBONHYDRATES, BITCHES!!
- Enjoy
© Soupé resorts – (Created by Dungdae)
Thanks to biGBro for the guidence on how to actually do this!!
If you want to use your Documents and Settings without having to think about backing it up before restoring the system.. and start getting windows to automaticly use the d:\ for storage of Documents and Settings, then use the guide on:
!!But make sure to make a clone image of your system BEFORE starting that guide!!
The mentioned guide is not created by me!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Rest In Peace (Tree OF CHERRISH!!??)
The background of the story goes back to long before I moved in to morbærhaven.
Some goddess of cherries decided to post.. NO PLANT!! a tree in our garden, (just in front of Indy and Ebbas window)... A cherry tree!! This cherry tree grew big, and started... wait actually the goddess decided to plant 2 more trees in our garden... but they are not relevant to this episode... I think... hmmm.... Naaah... WELL back on track!
This special cherry tree grew quite big, and started to carry the most delicious cherries in our united kingdom of Albertslund (Yes I'm one of the original owners of my hometown!).
This other day I sat in front of my computer and nerded some Rome (total war... YEAH DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!!), when suddenly i heard a strange noise coming from our garden...
I could hear Indi's voice, so I went out to see what was happening, and saw a weird guy standing on our fence picking the cherries, with some kids outside the garden..
Of course i reacted with a little bit of surprise and a bit of anger too! I told him to get down from there, before destroying our fence.. But he refused and claimed that he could do whatever he wants in our garden, since he had been livin here for a longer time.. When Indi said the same thing the guy responded with aggression, and told us that he could put the kids home and come back and "fuck with us".. Of course we didn't really care for he's reaction at the first.. But he started to sound more and more serious while we tried to reason with him.. And in the end he claimed to pay us a new visit with a knife, and left...
The short and the long lines of this story is, that everyone around agreed that this cherry-tree had to be sacrificed, in order to keep threatening idiots out, and to get some more peace in the garden... And so it came to the destruction of the cherry tree:'( RIP, I didn't even get to get good pictures of you!! (yes talking to a tree!!)
Did I say too much??
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Malenes farewell party
There comes a time for everyone, where they will have to rip out their roots, and find the next sunny spot in the big wide world, a lot more words could be added here, but since I'm only writing to consume peoples spare time (MUAHAHAHAHAHAAA), I will jump directly to the evening..
... Well not quite started out like that.. Malene intended to have the party in the garden.. But due to some grumpy weather-gods we decided to keep the party inside.. It was very intimidating weather!!
Now since Malene's home at the moment is filled with packed stuff, we had to find another place for the party... MY CRIP - OHHH YEAH... But as usual A LOT OF CLEANING had to be done, so people came over short after i finished the cleaning at 21:00..
After sitting just a short while more (not needing alcohol at all, because of my awesomeness), we realized that this would go wrong, we got too drunk too fast.. So something drastic had to be done!
Therefore we tried to get to the local bar "Høönen", since it's not as awesome as my place people won't get drunk'er, fast'er.
But Höønen was closed, so we needed a plan.. This were the time I used my intellect and brilliance to find people a party, that we crashed... It was the best party ever!! There were free champaign, hot tubs and lots of girls running around in bikini's, men too unfortunately (cause THOSE people weren't intimidated by the weather-gods!). They told us that we only had this chance to stay at the party, if we left we wouldn't be allowed to come back in..
Now everyone yelled "FINE LETS ROCK!"..
.. except Jon, he didn't "want to crash a party", he told us about a place being even more awesome, with some people we know!! And boy didn't it show out to be as wrong as ever.. cause WHERE WAS THE FREE CHAMPAGNE?? AND HOT TUBS AND BIKINI'S?? HUH JON??
Well for he deffence, the people at the other place where nice.. But there were not a single guy or gal in there, without their own pack of cigarettes.. so everything where extremly smokey... We sat down and started to drink with the new people, wich we of course didn't know as Jon promised, and suddently the really neat stuff started to happen... well of course i can't write what happened, cause i can't remember anything.. NO PICTURES OR VISSIBLE SCARS! And that's the end of that evening, you should have been there, it was WILD!!
(nothing really happened.. got home at 3 o clock, and forgot to bring my camera..)
Some details of this night, might be a little blurry due to drunkness.. But the part about the hot tubs, free champagne and guys and girls in bikini's were true!!
Now enough of that stuff, here's the picture of the post, it's dedicated to the person, who is going to leave us because she has found a new path to a future.. Watch out for those "jutland'ers" in Esbjerg, they are dangerous!! And remember to brush your teeth for every time you wash your hands!!!
Hope you the best of luck in the future.. Thanks for the many great parties, and the friendly warmth you brought with you! We will miss you!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
First Time..?
Of course this blog is created for lots of other things like random thoughts, events and possibly also parties..
Even though I'm not English, this blog will possibly mostly contain English post's. Since not all of my friends enjoys DNASK! So enjoy my D'english
Now with all that boring stuff out of the way...
This blog WILL be awesome, it will contain such great successes as:
Random picture of the post, with a random poor soul caught in a bad timing, and who forever will be exposed to the world white interwebs!
Lots of English spelling and grandma' mistakes you can laugh at, and thereafter you will feel really really clever!!
And it will be brought to you by the only true Mastermind of this universe!!! (Of course this does indeed mean that the humor might be hard to understand.. When that is the case.. Just smile'n'wave!!
For those of you who like to waste your time here... Knock yourself stupid!!
To everyone else I'm so sorry! pls don't judge me... BUT NOW YOU SEEN IT, AND IT CAN NEVER BE UNSEEN!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA
Damn almost forgot to keep my blog the awesommest.. Well Here's the picture of the post
This is a random unknown guy.. (Definitely not me..)
In a random unknown situation.. (Definitely not running around drunk in the town..)
At a random unknown spot.. (Definitely not during a ski-trip in Val Thorens [France]..)
And it looks like this random unknown guy has no teeth.. Haha that's funny!!