The background of the story goes back to long before I moved in to morbærhaven.
Some goddess of cherries decided to post.. NO PLANT!! a tree in our garden, (just in front of Indy and Ebbas window)... A cherry tree!! This cherry tree grew big, and started... wait actually the goddess decided to plant 2 more trees in our garden... but they are not relevant to this episode... I think... hmmm.... Naaah... WELL back on track!
This special cherry tree grew quite big, and started to carry the most delicious cherries in our united kingdom of Albertslund (Yes I'm one of the original owners of my hometown!).
This other day I sat in front of my computer and nerded some Rome (total war... YEAH DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!!), when suddenly i heard a strange noise coming from our garden...
I could hear Indi's voice, so I went out to see what was happening, and saw a weird guy standing on our fence picking the cherries, with some kids outside the garden..
Of course i reacted with a little bit of surprise and a bit of anger too! I told him to get down from there, before destroying our fence.. But he refused and claimed that he could do whatever he wants in our garden, since he had been livin here for a longer time.. When Indi said the same thing the guy responded with aggression, and told us that he could put the kids home and come back and "fuck with us".. Of course we didn't really care for he's reaction at the first.. But he started to sound more and more serious while we tried to reason with him.. And in the end he claimed to pay us a new visit with a knife, and left...
The short and the long lines of this story is, that everyone around agreed that this cherry-tree had to be sacrificed, in order to keep threatening idiots out, and to get some more peace in the garden... And so it came to the destruction of the cherry tree:'( RIP, I didn't even get to get good pictures of you!! (yes talking to a tree!!)
Did I say too much??